- Harold Wallace Ross November 6, 1892- December 6, 1951 Picture of Ross in 1927 Formal portrait in 1940 The successful launching of a magazine from scratch requires, in addition to editorial talent, the confidence man's gift of tongue, his gambling instinct, and his ability to lose himself in his task. Ross has them all. The apparent antithesis of an editor of a highly sophisticated magazine, ...xroads.virginia.edu/~ug02/NewYorker/rosshome2.html
- A Special Contribution Courtesy of Alfred E. Cornebise and Greenwood Press HAROLD ROSS AND THE STAFF of Stars and Stripes AEF Paris District Patch An Excerpt from The Stars and Stripes by Alfred E. Cornebise, Greenwood Press, 1984 First Issue February 8, 1919 Background The Stars and Stripes was the service newspaper of the American Expeditionary Forces, written, edited and published by men from ...www.worldwar1.com/dbc/st_st.htm