- A study of the consequences of climate change for Alaska and the Bering Sea Region. Report of the October 1998 Workshop Alaska Regional Report--December 1999 Comments or suggestions Please contact the webmaster at fycgc@uaf.edu. This page last updated, July 4, 2000. 1999 Bering Sea Impact Study ...www.besis.uaf.edu
- www.worldwildlife.org/beringsea
- By John Weier March 30, 1999 During the past two summers (1997-98), a type of one-celled microscopic plant changed the color of the Bering Sea from its natural deep blue to a shimmering aquamarine in a matter of weeks. These plants, known as coccolithophores, produce and then shed hubcap-shaped, limestone (calcite) scales called coccoliths. Like all phytoplankton, the coccolithophores contain ...earthobservatory.nasa.gov/Study/Coccoliths