Dachaigh Gaeilge English Rannsaich F ilte gu Sabhal M r Ostaig Colaiste Ard- re anns an Eilean Sgitheanach ann an Albainn, a' teagasg tron Gh idhlig SMO Fiosrachadh mun cholaisde G idhlig Fiosrachadh mun Gh idhlig fiosrachadh mun Cholaisde seoladh, f n, facs dealbhan daoine Naidheachd Turas, Fiosan-naidheachd, Obair Cursaichean l n-t de, goirid, air astar Oilthigh na Gaidhealtachd Leabharlann ...
Directory of Scottish-Related Web Pages - Gaelic and Scots Page ...
Cli - promoting Scots Gaelic and representing the New Gaels ...
The Royal National Mod is Scotland s premier Gaelic festival and is held annually in October at a different location in Scotland.
SMO G idhlig Ionnsachadh Rannsaich Elementary Course of Gaelic A Junior Gaelic Grammar by Duncan Reid Rearranged and enlarged by Norman MacLeod, M.A. (Gaelic master, the Glasgow High School) Published by An Comunn Gaidhealach Fourth Edition 1931 (first edition 1913) Letters Vowel sounds Consonant sounds The order of words in a sentence The article The article: Nouns with the article The article: ...
Read latest news Tapa leibh airson tadhal air l rach-l n Chomann nam P rant. Air an l rach seo gheibh sibh naidheachdan air obair Chomann nam P rant, fiosrachadh mu Fhoghlam tro Mheadhan na G idhlig (FTMG) agus cothrom conaltradh fhaighinn le p rantan eile air feadh na d thcha tron bh rd brath. Chaidh an l rach-l n seo a st idheachadh mar ph irt dhen taic a tha Comann nam P rant a tabhain do ph ...
The Gaelic Language The Gaelic Language is spoken by around 86, 000 individuals primarily in the North of Scotland and in the Western Isles (eg. Skye, Lewis, Harris). The vast majority of gaelic speakers are bilingual Gaelic / English. Today there are very few people who do not speak English. Gaelic (or Scottish Gaelic as it is sometimes known outside Scotland) has similarities to the other ...
A ceilidh place for Scots Gaelic learners and native Gaelic speakers with message board, songs, hymns and comprehensive links to sources of information about the Gaelic language and culture. Failte oirbh gu taigh ceilidh airson luchd bruidhinn Gaidhlig far an lorg sibh orain agus laoidhean Gaidhlig, bord brath, fiosrachadh mu shaoghal na Gaidhlig agus ceangalaichean feumail ...